Thursday, January 19, 2012

I a, also working on a baby set, yes, a lot of irons in the

Just a pretty for you to see

My scrap ghan instructions

  • Okay here is my MODIFIED dishcloth design to a scrap afghan. I will write you the intsructions here if you want to do thi, mind you it is NOT nessasary to use the white every other row, I just wanted to, so it has a conformed looky to it. Okay here it goes.
    Chain 205, and dc in 3rd chain and each across=203 DC including the chain three at begfining as a dc. now restart with your second color, and... attach to chain 3 space, chain three, dc in next 2 dc, chain one, skip a dc, dc in next three, all across, okay end off that color, put the white back on and chain 3, dc in next two, NOW at the chain space work a TRIPPLE crochet into the dc below. and just coninue on in that pattern. Row 3 in white dc acroos, change colors, repeate.. waaalaaaaa you will have a scrap ghan, and like I said, it will work fine for just using different colors and not using the white or "main" color..
    the back looks the same as the front pretty hu?? lol, I dint STEAL this pattern, i MODIFIED a dishcloth pattern, with different stitches. FYI. And I used a "K" hook

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Taaaaaaaaaaaaaa Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

My "Though The Woods" Little red ridding hood hood is DONE, well I need here you go!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Well well, my time hasn't been idle

I HAVE been crocheting friends, you will see soon enough, an baby blanket and a WONDERFUL Little Red Ridding hood type hat/neck warmer, I bought the pattern over at Etsy and just LOVE it. I was intimidated at first, as her count was off, but I STUCK to it, not a mission I usually do, and by gosh, I ALMOST have the hood part down, alas, I had to run to Walmart to buy another skein of the yarn, as one certainly isn't enough.
So DO look for pictures in the next couple days.
I have been fighting this cold, sore throat thing too so I haven't been up to par yet.
But none the less my hook is hooking!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

So do you all know how it feels...

To feel your not getting enough done, but yet not wanting to do anything on the other hand? Today is snowed lots of snow, I didn't wish to do a thing. But alas, I had a therapy appointment and I had to go to the post office, and then of course, I get my Mustang stuck trying to get into my parking space. Then, I come up sit a bit shaking from getting stuck, and I look over at my yarn basket. I pick up my baby blanket I am now working on, and hooked up a few rows. Then I thought oh pooh, my heart isn't in this today. So I looked through my basket and found a yarn I pulled out for a ripple afghan I want to make so badly. So that is IT, the light bulb went off in my head! I will do my orders for crochet works, but ALSO make time to work on MY ripple pattern. So I Internet race to Lucy's blog to get her pattern down for her wavy ripple pattern, and start hooking away, well, I didn't get as far on it as anticipated, can you anticipate in such a short time? BUT I do have the first two rows done! There, I did it! Just like my therapist said, do something for YOU every day. And that is it, there is my day, now the home made rolls are done, the chicken is basking in the oven, and I will go off now to peel my potato's, and make up a nice supper, and then you know what? I am tired, and I am going to bed. How is that? Yes I will be in bed BEFORE 9PM, so there you have it. My day. Bless you for reading my dismal post here Happy Hooks

Where have YOU been?

Me, I have been here, crocheting, what well I will show the latest ABC blanket, on its way to FLORIDA as I type! Yippie!! Here it is, Red Heart yarn, H crochet hook, and alot of love