Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

While you are here

Wouldn't you like to follow my blog? I would LOVE to see if I get enough, I will start writing down patterns, and showing more cool stuff. Think about it, sit a spell, have a cup of tea with me, I LOVE Harry and Davids Christmas spice tea, I have a pot right here, grab your cup....and browse around my blog wont you? rudeness, sugar or honey with your tea?

The pattern written up !! Yours free, however, I ask that you donate ONE to charity if you make them to sell

Okay ready set CROCHET
notes: I used worsted weight Red Heart yarn and an H hooky. Now I also want to let you know, so I don't have to write it in every round after the second round, the FIRST chain 2 you do NOT put TWO hdc in THIS chain two, but it DOES count as a stitch, but the next one. The first ch 2 is the last stitch of the "round increase, you will see pretty fast. Also if you don't know how to make the Magic Adjustable ring, learn it, it is the ONLY way to go with anything made in the round. Here is a link to a tutorial for. Also for the sake of NOT having to type it out, join EACH round with a slip stitch, unless I tell you different.
okay lets get started!
1. make adjustable magic ring and ch 1 then do 8 hdc in ring, pull TIGHT. (don't forget to join with a slip stitch, I wont be telling you again)
2. ch 2 hdc in same space and 2 hdc in each hdc around. so now you have 16 join with a slip stitch to top of ch2 (now you NEVER put two hdc in first chain 2)
3. ch2, 2hdc in next stitch, 1 hdc in next stitch, 2 hdc in next st, continue around, NOW you will end with a 2 hdc in the last stitch, that is right, 24 hdc
4.ch2, 2hdc in 1st hdc, hdc in next 2 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc around....see the pattern we are forming? Increasing each row.
5. ch2, 2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 3 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc, around, you will end up with 40 stitches
6. ch2, 2hdc in first hdc, hdc in next 4 hdc, 2hdc in next around, now you will have 48 stitches.
7. ch 2, 2hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 5 hdc's, 2 hdc in next, continue around. Now you will have 56 stitches.
BABY HAT INCREASES STOP HERE and hdc in each hdc around row 8-15 slip stitch to join. Now do the ear flap, by,
1. chain 1, slip stitch in the next 6 hdc, sc in next 14 hdc, ch 1 turn
2. decrease TWO hdc together, sc in next 10 sts decrease two hdc chain 1 turn
3. decrease first two , sc in next 8 sc's, dec last 2 together, chain 1, turn. in each stitch around=10 sc's ch 1 turn
5.dec two tog, sc in next 6 sc's, dec last 2 sc together ch 1 turn
6. sc around=8 sc ch 1 turn
7. dec 2 together, sc in next 4, dec last two chain 1 turn
8. sc around, ch1 turn, 6 stitches
9. dec 2 together, sc in next 2, dec last two together, chain 1 turn
10. sc in each stitch around, chain one turn, 4 sc's
11. dec 2 together, sc in next 2 st, ch 1 turn
12. sc in each sc ch1 turn now you have 3
13. dec 2 together, sc in next stitch, ch1 1 turn , 2 sc's
14. dec 2 together, fasten off,
on to the next one, skip next 25 stitches, re-attach yarn in the next sc, sc in joining stitch and in the following 13 stitches, now you have 14, so go ahead and follow the ear flap as before.
now using the SAME color, attach yarn at the back of hat, and sc around fasten off.
now use your CONTRASTING COLOR, ok, again in back of hat attach yarn, hdc in each sc until you get to the bottom of the first ear flap, then chain 50, and now slip stitch your way back UP the chain and hdc in next sc, and continue to the next ear flap, same thing, chain 50, slip stitch your way back up, and hdc around then finish off, walaaaa your done!! Add a pretty flower if you want, you can find the patterns free all over the Internet! Or add something like a star for a boys hat. OK this is the BABY version friends.
to make a toddler one, continue on the increase rounds with
ch 2, 2hdc in next stitch, hdc in next 6 stitches, 2 in next one, all the way around 64 stitches. then I hdc around for 10 rows and the ear flaps Numbers will be a little different, ok, it is for all sizes so pay attention here... toddler, slip stitch in next 8 sts chain 1 turn rest is the same.easy peasy
now for a young child, say 5-12,
8. ch 2, 2 hdc in next 6 stitches, 2hdc in next, around, join
9. ch 2 , 2hdc in next stitch, hdc in next 7 hdcs, 2 in next, around, join chain one,
10. ch 2 2 hdc in next stitch, hdc in next 8 hdcs, 2 hdc in next, around. slip stitch to join
now work even hdc for the next 10 rows or so, judge by what you think is long enough.
carry on to the ear flap, the last number for this size is slip stitch in next 14 continue with the regular ear flap instructions...okay by now,, if you have made two or three of these, you got the drift of how to increase the rounds, so go ahead, try making yourself one, I bet you can!!!
that my friends is how I made that hats
now for the scarves to match, using the CONTRASTING COLOR, chain a number you feel comfortable with for the age of whom your making for, a little baby, I use 75, a 5 year old
I used 125, any older, go ahead, make it long, they wont get it caught in anything, we hope anyways. now chain your chain, hdc down the chain, switch to the MAIN color of the hat, hdc 4 rows of that color, switch back to CONTRASTING color and hdc 1 row and make sure you do 3 hdc in corner stitches for 4 corners. fasten off, add a flower to each end, or a star, or heck, whatever you want, its YOURS.
DISCLAIMER: I am SURE I am NOT the only one that has EVER made a hdc hat, or scarf, I am not CLAIMING the stitch, I am simply instructing how I myself work it. ENJOY, If I made any mistakes, or you have a problem, go ahead e-mail me at PLEASE remember, I am NOT on the computor 24/7 but I will answer you when I get to it okay? Happy going friends!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My white hat

So people can see the DESIGN..its soooo cooooool, and FUN to make!! I did this one in a half an hour wont you join me in my charity for the University Of Iowa Children's Hospital Christmas tree of hats for the kids? They need hats scarves and mittens. ONE hat will make a sick child very happy and warm, please consider it, I will be hand delivering them. You can mail me one at
JoAnn Dillon
482 West Locust
Apartment One
Dubuque Iowa 52001
and I will deliver it and take pictures

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Charity Hat instructions.

My Aunt Judy made this pattern up, and is allowing me to post it for charity hats. Enjoy. You can use for yourself and charity NOT TO SELL PATTERN OR HATS MADE FROM PATTERN.
Using worsted weight yarn and a size "I" Hook
Chain 4 join with a slip stitch
R1. chain 3 (counts as first DC) 15 DC into ring, join with slip stitch in top of chain 3.
R2. chain three, DC in same stitch as joining, 2 DC in each DC around, join (32) DC
R3. Chain 1, SC in back loop of each of the next 2 DC, Back Loop Only in all stitches this round (=BLO) 2 SC in next stitch, continue around with SC in two, two SC in next. Join
R4. CH 3, dc in BLO in each SC around, join
R5. CH 3 DC in both loops in each of the next 3 DC's, 2 DC in fourth, continue around, with 4 DC, then 2 DC in next, Join.
R6. CH 1 SC in BLO in each stitch around, join.
R7. CH 3, DC BLO in each SC around, join
R8. CH 3, DC in both loops around, join.
R 9. Repeat R 6
R 10. Repeat R 7
R 11. Repeat R8
R12. Repeat round 8, join and TURN
R. 13. DC in BLO of each stitch, join.
R 14. Repeat 13
R 15. Repeat 13
R 16. CH 1, SC around, fasten off. Fold up.
Make a Pom Pom for the top and tie on.
Finished! I was able to do my first one in an hour, and I am sure it will go faster now that I got that first one out of the way, AND I need to learn how to make pom pom's. Here is a PICTURE of my first one, it will get better, and it LOOKS better in person, you can see the pattern in the ridges of BLO rows, very cool.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

My latest creation crochet

I wish you could see the glistening of this yarn, it looks like fresh fallen snow. So sweet. Thank you for looking. I hope you enjoy.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I did it!! I did it!! Krystal's Charity Square, four years

Four years trying, and yesterday I figured it out!! woooot!!! Lets hear a Cheer!!!

hubbys ouchie from surgery

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

All of a sudden there is a .........

There is on my crochet pages, a huge amount of people making Angry Bird things, hats, toys...I do no know of these Angry Birds, why are they angry? Are they hungry? Should we be offering up some crackers, or day old bread for these said birds? When I was younger there was that BIRDS movie, it was very scary, these birds I see made up are not scary looking at all, just oh a bit angry? Why is this, I must go and find out about these poor angry birds....does the aviation society know of all these mad birds? I must investigate.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Yes I am STILL working on this Afghan oh my!

This one is a yarn EATER and it takes its toll on your fingers after about an hour I must set it aside for a bit and then pick it up again. I need to finish it, and am in need of crocheting 16 inches to have it complete here is a picture for you to enjoy

Well where have I been?

Okay so they found Dr Murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter, I don't have an opinion on this, its wishy washy is what I think. But then again, my opinion doesn't matter. Haha

Friday, November 4, 2011

Today the Micheal Jackson Jury will debate

Yes indeed, we are on verdict watch. Being a health care provider I do not see how they can come up with anything else but guilty. I also feel Dr. Murray is undercharged. We ALL take an oath, especially doctors. He failed Micheal and he failed Medical Science. Shame is on him. The GREAT judge is our Lord. So he will face TWO judges and jury's the LORDS being the most important. Well I need to hit the shower and get packed for the weekend.

Taaaaaaaaaaaaa Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa its done!!

Made with Red Heart Shimmer, here is the long awaited finished Christening set..enjoy

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Assignments have been issued!

Now the fun begins...woooot. I e-mailed all the swap partners out this afternoon, well I LOST an e-mail so I need her to resend it, but other than that, the squares should be getting made soon. As a treat, I am going to mail a square to all the participants! Wooot
Lets have fun gals!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Well, I have to hold off on the square swap until SUNDAY

I am NOT at home, and didn't think of the unreliability of the free internet where I am, so sorry gals, I will put out the assignments sunday when I get home, around 3pm central time. Grrrrrrrrrr

While sitting here, I am working on crocheting a baby Christening dress and bonnet and booties. I am working with RedHeart soft Shimmer in white, and it has shimmers in it looking like new fallen snow! It will be nice. The pattern was poorly written at best, so it is taking me longer than I thought, but I am getting it down, I even PAID for this pattern, I should rewrite it correctly and email it to the girl. I have tested many patters, and she must not have has this tested before she made it available as a paid pattern. Oh well such is life, hu ?

Monday, October 10, 2011

I am hosting a crochet square exchange

Okay friends from Red heart, Here we go, I am starting this on my blog for people to sign up for the square exchange. Here are the "rules"
1. You MUST post to this post in order to be involved.
2. You must e-mail me your name, and mailing information. My e-mail is
3. You MUST use Red Heart Super Saver Yarn.
4. You MUST post at least two colors to chose from, so hopefully we can use stash.
You will make 5 squares for five different people, so your not going to be mailing all together, they will be 8 inch squares, and I know personally most fit in a standard envelope, with two stamps.
So, the DEADLINE to sign up is October 21st at noon, I will assign everyone their squares to make by 5pm October 21st. Now IMPORTANT PLEASE READ the squares MUST be received by November 15th. So if you are not sure you can commit to making 5 squares and mailing them out in time please refrain from signing up. This is so I don't end up making a bunch of squares because people didn't reach their commitment. I feel this is plenty of time to make up 5 squares, heck I would only need a day, but I have more time than the normal person.
You can use ANY pattern, and I will recommend you to look at CrochetPatternCentral for patterns if you don't have any yet, here is the link to different 8 inch squares.
If I forgot anything let me know, okay, and by the way I UNDERSTAND if an emergency happens, or maybe you don't have the colors you need, and want a different assignment so you can use what you have. I am hoping at the end, we will each be able to put together a RedHeart friendship afghan. Most important, HAVE FUN!
JoAnn AKA JoBug
P.S the more people we get involved, we could always make and recieve more if this goes over well.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Keep your eye on this is getting ready to start

I am wanting to start a square exchange. The premise is, you will make five 8 inch squares, and mail them to five different people, and in return you will get five squares from five different people. I want you to chose the colors you want, please make it more than one, and then you will get what you want also. And together the squares will be a friendship ghan! Good idea? So lets see who wants to play?
there is a VAST amount of free patterns on the internet for the squares, so they can be any design you wish to use, or five different ones!
Lets Have some fun!

I cant believe I didn't post pictures of hubbys ghan!

And now, my crochet

I am actually working on TWO afghans, but this is the one I have a pic of is made with Red Heart Yarn, and its a pattern from their web site, Shadow Box Throw

And her and Uncle Jeff were eskimoe kissing

Therefor Samantha and I got to spend the weekend together

And did we have a BLAST! She made out with lots of hats, as I had a bag of them by my chair...but she is my kindred she loves dancing to my Ipod

So October first, Samantha's lil brother arrived

Its a boy! Aydin James

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My princess Samantha, my great niece

We are at her school brown bagging it, how funny, it is really McDonald's bagging it! I made her the princess hat I love her like my own granddaughter, but she is my sisters and I can't very well steal her away. She IS a doll. We have a special bond between us.

So my bloggy, I am working on crochet

I am crocheting around three things right now, I am still working on hubby's afghan for his recliner, a neverending one it seems, and my niece's Wisconsin Badger afghan. AND I started myself a Bolero. No hurry on that. So, I am thinking at the end of the week I will have hubby's done and pictures taken. The Wisconsin one isn't due until Christmas, that is when I want to give it to her. And I have to come up with an idea for my other niece on hubby's side for a afghan. Considering I only have around 500 books, I SHOULD be able to pic one out hu? I have to ask her mamma what her favorite color is. I REALLY want to make my friend Linda a teal one, she thinks she doesn't want one, I will show

Check out the Praying Mantis on my car

What s she thinking?

A couple pictures to share.

And who doesn't love sunflowers, here they are in all their glory

Monday, September 5, 2011

And now crochet projects!

Okay Okay I don't have the kitties nose or mouth on yet, I will do that tomorrow, and the ABC blanket. I have now made three of these, and funny thing, they were all for need a girl!!
Pictures pictures

Wow GREAT weekend!

Hubby did terrific in Black Jack and I got AMAZING crochet projects done, but first thing first, as we were traveling friday night, we had a horrific rain storm, and then all of a sudden a most beautiful rainbow appeared of COURSE I had my camera in my purse so lookie and enjoy a TRUE gift from mother nature. In Gods land, Wisconsin.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My hubbys afghan

I am still working on it, its MUCH bigger since this photo, but I will show you this until I take a new one.

Did I show you my CAR? Yes my MUSTANG ALL MINE paid in full

Yes, I wanted a red one, but I got the white one, at a steal too I might say. I wont tell how much, but paid in full cash when I got her, the princess pony! Check it out, I love it so much I could LIVE in it!! It still has the NEW CAR smell!!


MINE MINE MINE, ALL MINE...for once I made something for me I love it.

This is what our cat does when we are gone for the weekend..


They redid a hotel we stay at, look at the ROOM

This is a standard King room

I am making a new Kitty

Here is a picture of my first one I made 3 years ago, and I just stumbled upon the pattern again, so started a new one today, hopefully I will have pictures up soon of it!! Here is the pink one, I gave it to a toy drive at Christmas.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Opps, I forgot to tell you Blog

I am making MYSELF a bedspread for our King sized bed. Here is a picture of the first square, I am figuring it will take around 96 squares, whew, but it will be worth it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

and last for today, my bag of hats for Halo's of Hope

Ten more to go..and goal reached of 25

And my purse I made for the fun of it..Summer Sling

My alpaca scarf, Luna Love Good pattern

Callie the LAZY cat

This is where hubby found Callie "sleeping" this morning when he got up...on his chair, on his birthday cat....

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Go here to see my winning on the Red Heart Website!! You can even listen to the phone call from when they called me and told me the GREAT news!!

I actually FOUND the PERFECT scarf pattern for my Alpaca

PLEASE do check out her web page, its the Luna Love Good Scarf, WONDERFUL. Help me keep my fingers and toes crossed that I have enough of my WONDERFUL Alpaca yarn for this.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The GREAT day of my life today!!

First off, Osama Bin Laden is DEAD, GONE, KILLED, OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Now may MANY people who's lives have been horribly affected by this murderer have some peace in their heart.
Now the Second BEST news, I WON I WON I WON!! I won the Red Heart 75 Day give-a-way for their 75th anniversary, I won the GRAND PRIZE!! Thats right!! 75 skiens of Super Saver, two magazine subscriptions, Susan Bates Hooks and needles, 5 BOOKS of Red Hearts,, AND a $75 dollar Micheal's gift card!! WOW how about that, ME, out of the millions of people who entered, it was ME!!! Yes, I am HAPPY!!!!
Be back tomorrow friends!